Cake 101

Location :

1400 Roosevelt Ave, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA

Status :


Activity Type :

Culinary / DIY Food Making

About Camp

In this class, you’ll learn some of my tips and tricks for turning a basic box cake into something special, and we will discuss scratch recipes as well. And all cakes need buttercream, so I'll show you my favorite Easy Buttercream recipe. Lastly we’ll cover the basics of leveling, stacking and icing your cake to perfection!All ingredients, aprons and equipment are included in the registration and materials fee. All you need to bring is yourself and a to-go container for your creations! Recipes and equipment suggestions will be handed out in class. Want to attend class with your young adult ages 12+ - please contact the instructor prior to signing up. What can you expect from our class together?The class is fully interactive, so feel free to ask questions as we go through the recipes and techniquesGreat results are about more than the recipe. Expect to learn basic principles of cooking such as mise en place, proper cooking techniques, essential equipment, ingredients and all-around kitchen safety to take your cooking to the next level.Please have long hair tied back, as we will be cooking together and serving food family style at the end of class. Please wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes as you will be standing and working in a kitchen environment.Be prepared to work in teams of 2 – 4, depending on class size.Please alert your instructor to any food allergies BEFORE the day of class so we can plan accordingly. Please email your instructor at if you have any questions as all ingredients may not be specified in menu titles. Adjustments to recipes cannot be made during class. Scroll down for important program information.

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