Myofascial Movement and Stretch

Location :

Gramado, RS, Brazil

Status :


Activity Type :

Health, Fitness & Sports

About Camp

In a world of endless self-care options, myofascial therapy is paramount. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and integrates other tissues in the body. Journey into the body's full healing capacity, while learning how to treat the myofascial system at home. The class is set to move, stretch, meditate, and self-treat following the principles of proper myofascial release care. No experience necessary. Please bring a yoga mat. Drop in fee $17.

Available Dates

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time
19 Oct,2024 26 Oct,2024 Sat 1 18 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Register
02 Nov,2024 16 Nov,2024 Sat 1 18 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Register