Hip-Hop Dance Fitness

Location :

Red Morton Community Center, 1120 Roosevelt Ave, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA

Status :


Activity Type :

Fitness & Wellness

About Camp

Learn R&B/Hip-Hop and improve your dance confidence while increasing your fitness! This class can be enjoyed by various ages and abilities. Experience control of your body by both isolating and coordinating different muscles. We then turn up the heat by changing some exercise moves into dance fitness twists. After getting our sweat on we learn cool dance steps repeated till you feel the flavor, and continue to add on until we have a fun dance routine. Sandy is a certified personal trainer and massage therapist who enjoys sharing a love of dance by choreographing and breaking it all down for others to learn. Enjoy a fun way to get fit - go for it!Usually titled Hip Hop Dance Fitness for 40 Plus, but Summer age is 13+ to allow family members to join and enjoy dancing together. Scroll down for important program information.

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