Hatha Flow Yoga & Balance A

Location :

340 Lewisberry Rd, New Cumberland, PA 17070, USA

Status :


Activity Type :

Active Wellness

About Camp

A balanced combination of sustained poses (Hatha) as well as poses flowing in a mindful progression from one to another. Attention is always given to basic alignment & therapeutic principles. Mindfulness; observing breath and body (triputi) are an integral part of class. Classes are balanced with energy. Bring a mat. Marisa's Bio: Marisa Stipe is trained in 13 genres of physical fitness. She is a personal trainer and fitness counselor. Certifications include AFAA, ACE, ACSM, Physical Mind Institute, Pound, Zumba, YogaFit and an education background in anatomy. If you sign up for Marisa's WSREC classes, you will be provided Free body fat, caliper and BMI testing (upon request). You and Marisa will set goals together.

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