AsKevin Technology Workshop: Internet Advanced - Cloud & AI

Location :

450 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

Status :


Activity Type :

Technology Plus

About Camp

This activity is offered in person only at 450 Bryant Street.Internet Advanced: Cloud & AIIn this workshop, participants will have hands-on experience exploring technology known as "the cloud". The focus will be on understanding how photos, documents, and software applications work together across different devices. Participants will learn where their files are stored and how to retrieve them.In the first part of the workshop, participants will learn important about "the cloud" and how it relates to their digital life. They will also receive a brief introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI), both in terms of the technology they have been using for years and the latest applications of AI.In the 2nd part of the workshop, participants will dive deeper into their own devices by mapping out their cloud system with the help of the instructor. To facilitate their learning journey, participants will have homework that connects the two workshops. Participants will use their own devices during the workshops.

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