Bike Camp (ages 11-14)

Location :

2930 Chapel Valley Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53711, USA

Status :


Activity Type :

Youth Programs

About Camp

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:Participants must have their own bike and helmetParticipants must be able to bike between 4-6 miles in 45 minutes. We do take breaks during rides when needed.Participants must be good listeners who can follow directions, especially when we are riding as a group on the road.We'll bike each day to local parks, beaches, and attractions. The purpose of bike camp is to get active, have fun, learn about bike & road safety, and build independence. Some days will include activities that require materials from home like swim suit/towel, change of clothes, bug spray, etc. We will send out the summer schedule before the program starts with each days activities & packing list.We will not meet if the weather is unsafe to ride in. We will ride in light rain, so if the forecast is looking like drizzle, bring a rain jacket!No program on July 4Daily Schedule: 11:30am Meet up at McKee Farms Park Shelter and get ready to bike! 11:30am-12:15pm Bike to destination 12:15-12:45pm Snack Break (We will provide snacks) 12:45-3:15pm Activity Period 3:15-4:00pm Bike back to McKee Farms Park

Available Dates

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time
13 Jun,2024 08 Aug,2024 Thu 11 15 11:30 AM 04:00 PM Register

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